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Published: 07-Feb-17
Do You Squidoo? How to Use This Free Resource to Send Traffic to Your Site
How would you like to be able to send traffic to your website, enjoy the surge in the number of hits you get and benefit from your new-found popularity? Sounds promising? It is. Simply use a website with a funny sounding name and you'll be on the right track. That's right ? it you want to be able to increase the number of people who find their way to your website, use Squidoo. What's Squidoo? Squidoo ( is a free Web 2.0 site on the internet that allows anyone to create their own pages. That means you can build your own little world focusing on any subject you want in a thriving community. You not only get a free site to promote yourself, you also do it using a platform that has a strong following. In terms of presence, Squidoo can assure you that as long as you produce quality work, there's no reason why you should not be able to maximize your presence there. Because of its popularity with millions of visitors, Squidoo is being used by many internet marketers, bloggers, e-businessmen and website owners to supplement their existing websites. This is because many of the web pages which in Squidoo regularly make impressive appearances in search engine rankings, seriously competing with other more established, reputable, stand-alone sites. How to use Squidoo to send traffic to your site Squidoo web pages are called lenses and they're quite easy to create, since they don?t require special technical knowledge or skills. You can set up your own website in a matter of minutes, while making use of built-in resources and modules. There are two ways you can make use of Squidoo and begin sending traffic to your site. One is by finding a niche appropriate to your business and two, creating your very own lens. Once you've set up your web page, you can launch it and go live right away. However, don?t take your presence here for granted. Here are a few things you should remember when setting up your Squidoo web page: Use quality content Visitors to Squidoo regularly drop by to search for great content. Make sure yours is up to the standard. Squidoo is also a site that can offer you quality traffic, which would be a waste if you can't provide top quality content people will want to read. Remember that Squidoo visitors come here with a purpose and that is to learn more, find out more and promote more. If your web page can offer content that site visitors find relevant, fresh and useful, they'll follow the links that lead to your site and become part of your traffic. Furthermore, they'll also keep coming back for a visit over and over again. Don?t be shy about promoting. You can use Squidoo modules to provide RSS feeds. Update your content regularly and your Squidoo lens will present these to your site visitors along with the title. You can also link up from there, so your visitors will find you each time. Another great function of a Squidoo module is that it can be used for promoting or building your own affiliate program. Run your affiliate links from your Squidoo page and you can lead anyone who wishes to join your website. Imagine the traffic that will get sent your way by your Squidoo connection if you launch this. If you want to use a resource that can send traffic to your website without costing you a cent, use Squidoo. Learn how to optimize this free service with 'Squidoo', the 11th in the series of video tutorials from This is an excellent tool to help you use the right methods and take advantage of the available traffic that could translate to website popularity later on.

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